Living Well, Spending Less

In my quest to become better with my finances and better in my relationship with Christ, I started reading the book "Living Well, Spending Less: 12 Secrets of the Good Life" by Ruth Soukup. I thought this would be another "Here's how to make a budget. Now stick to it," book, but boy was I wrong!

Soukup admits that she is not perfect on her walk to financial freedom, but shares her journey and how to seek a good life without all the materialism.

"I filled our life with stuff, but it never filled the void. But God had a plan or every broken shopaholic like me. Sometimes grace is shaped like a coupon" (Soukup 14).

I have previously shared on here my struggle with shopping. For awhile I would spend money, hoping it would fill my emotional and spiritual void. Instead it left me feeling worse than before, but with less money in my bank account, adding even more stress into my chaotic life. As I have realized the danger this can bring into my life, I have been working hard to get past this. However, it felt good to know that I am not alone in this journey. Soukup encourages people to pray intentionally, asking the Lord to guide them past their venture for earthly treasures, and more towards Godly treasures.

"I now long for a different type or richness, a richness that comes only from fullness in Christ" (Soukup 32).

There are challenges sprinkled throughout the book, encouraging readers to define their good life, choose contentment, declutter their homes, and be giving of their hearts. The biggest challenge for me is to give myself grace. I often times feel defeated when I don't get everything done during the day, both at home and at work. I get disappointed in myself when my goals are not all met, my workout was not up to par, or I caved and had ice cream. I need to focus on giving myself grace and realizing that tomorrow is another 24 hours to get things right.

"Becoming like minded with Christ means adopting a servant's heart, both in our communities and in our families" (Soukup 232).

After deciding what your good life is, creating and attacking a plan to achieve it, we must share the good life with others, in our homes and in our communities. Volunteering our time, tithing our earnings, and praying intentionally for others, will guide others to achieve a life of self-control, self-reflection, and grace.

I encourage you to check out Ruth Soukup's blog and new book, to learn more about how you can live well while spending less.

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