Productive things to do in January to start the New Year off right

Starting a new year is a great time to make some changes in your life. There are so many things that you can do to improve your productivity and get more done, but it can be hard to know where to start. I've put together this list of productive things to do in January so you can get started on making 2023 the best year yet!

Make a monthly calendar.

One of the best ways to get organized is to make a monthly calendar. You can use it as a reminder of what needs to be done and when, or you can just use it as an inspiration board for new projects or ideas.

The first step in creating a monthly calendar is making sure that you have all of your important dates written down somewhere so they don't get lost in the shuffle. If you're using paper, write them down on paper; if you're using an app like Google Calendar or Apple's iCloud, do this with their respective apps. Once everything is written down, organize them into categories based on importance (e.g., "work" versus "family").

Once all of your appointments are accounted for—whether they be work-related or personal—it's time to start filling out some blank space by adding any relevant information about those appointments: what time they start/end at; who else will be attending; which other activities might interfere with this event happening during its designated timeframe (e.g., lunch with friends). This information helps ensure that everything goes smoothly without any last-minute surprises popping up unexpectedly!

Start a new hobby.

To start the new year off right, you should try to find a hobby that will be fun and challenging. If you are interested in playing an instrument or singing, it's important that you choose a skill that matches your natural ability. If you want to learn how to play chess or paint murals, then do so! You don't have to spend too much time on this activity; just make sure there are no other commitments coming up where your time would be better spent elsewhere (like work).

Create a no spend week.

Go a week without making purchases. It'll let you get back on track after heavy spending for the holidays and get your financial goals off to a strong start for 2023. While zero spending is often impossible, focus on the things you can control, and make sure that your spending is aligned with what's important to you. Don't buy anything you don't need—that means no new clothes, shoes or accessories! If there's something in particular that sends up red flags for you regarding whether this item will actually be useful in the future, then keep it in mind as an option later when finances start looking better again; otherwise take advantage of sales and coupons when possible instead of spending money unnecessarily now (and potentially regretting it later).

Digitize your records.

Digitize your records. You can digitize old records without destroying them by making a digital copy of the original, and then importing it into a spreadsheet or database program like Excel. This will make it easier for you to keep track of who owes what money, when payments are due and due dates have passed, etc. This is a great way to start off 2023 with an organized system in place!

I hope these tips have given you some ideas for how to get started in the New Year. Remember, it can be hard to know what to do when everyone else is talking about going on vacation or watching football games! But if you make a plan that works for you and stick with it through thick and thin, I guarantee success will come your way.


Why You Should Set Goals for the New Year (and How to Get Started)

The new year is an exciting time to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the year ahead. Setting goals for the new year is a great way to focus your energy and make progress toward achieving your dreams. This blog post will explore why you should set goals for the new year and how to get started on the journey of achieving them. You'll learn how to create achievable goals and how to stay motivated to reach them. So, if you're ready to make the most of this new year, keep reading to learn why and how to set goals for the new year.

The Importance of Goal Setting

As we enter a new year, it's the perfect time to reflect on the past and set new goals for the future. Whether you're looking to make changes in your personal life or career, setting goals is an essential part of success. But why is goal setting so important?

Goal setting helps you stay focused and motivated. It gives you a sense of purpose and direction, making it easier to stick with your plans. You'll have specific objectives to strive towards, which will give you a sense of accomplishment when you reach them.

When you set goals, you have something to measure progress against. This allows you to identify areas of improvement and track how far you've come. If you're feeling stuck in a rut, setting goals can help you break out of it.

Having goals also increases your productivity and efficiency. When you know what you want to achieve, you can plan accordingly and use your time more effectively. Without goals, it's easy to get sidetracked or become overwhelmed by too many tasks.

Finally, setting goals encourages personal growth. When you challenge yourself and reach for the stars, you'll be pushing yourself to new heights. This will help develop your skills and expand your knowledge base. And if you don't reach your goals right away, you can learn from failure and use it to inform your next attempt.

Clearly, goal setting is an important step to take when entering a new year. With these tips in mind, you're now ready to start setting goals that will help you reach success in 2022!

How to Set Goals

When it comes to setting goals, it’s important to remember that you should make them realistic and achievable. It’s also important to set goals that will help you achieve what you want in the long run, not just in the short term. Here are some tips for how to set goals:

1. Decide what you want to achieve: Before setting any goals, decide what you would like to accomplish. Ask yourself questions like: What do I want to accomplish this year? What would make me feel fulfilled? What do I want to change in my life? 

2. Make SMART Goals: Once you know what you want to achieve, it’s time to set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely) goals. This means creating goals that are specific and have a timeline attached to them. 

3. Break Down Your Goals: Big goals can be intimidating and hard to achieve. That’s why it’s important to break them down into smaller, achievable tasks. This way, it will be easier to track your progress and stay motivated. 

4. Write Your Goals Down: Writing down your goals will help keep you accountable and motivated. You can also use this as an opportunity to write down action steps that you can take to achieve your goal. 

5. Track Your Progress: Tracking your progress will help keep you motivated and focused on achieving your goals. You can use a calendar or journal to keep track of your progress and note any successes or setbacks along the way. 

6. Celebrate Your Successes: Celebrating your successes is an important part of goal setting. Celebrate small milestones as well as big achievements to keep yourself motivated and on track. 

By following these tips, you can set realistic and achievable goals that will help you reach your desired destination this year. 

What Are Some Good New Year's Resolutions?

When it comes to setting goals for the new year, there are many possibilities. It’s important to remember that these goals should be attainable and that they should have a realistic timeline. Here are some of the most popular New Year's resolutions that people choose to strive for in the upcoming year. 

• Eat Healthier: Eating healthy is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. There are a variety of different ways to make this resolution possible. For example, you can set a goal to cook at home more often or cut out processed foods from your diet. You can also try increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables or tracking what you eat using a food diary. 

• Exercise More: Exercise is great for both physical and mental health. This could include anything from joining a gym to taking a walk each day. Set a realistic goal like going to the gym three times a week or taking a thirty-minute walk each day. 

• Spend Less/Save More: Taking control of your finances is always a great goal to have. Try setting a budget or creating a savings plan to help stay on track with your finances. Make sure to track your expenses to stay aware of where your money is going. 

• Get Organized: Feeling organized and in control can help with productivity and overall happiness. To start, try decluttering your home by getting rid of items you no longer need. Then create systems and routines to help stay organized going forward. 

• Learn Something New: Learning something new can open up so many possibilities and opportunities. Pick something that interests you and set a goal for yourself to accomplish in the upcoming year. It could be anything from learning a new language to picking up a hobby like painting or photography. 

Whatever goals you decide to set for the upcoming year, make sure to make them realistic and achievable. With dedication and hard work, you will be able to reach whatever goals you set for yourself. Good luck!


7 Tips For Becoming A Successful Virtual Assistant

Are you considering a career as a Virtual Assistant? Becoming a successful Virtual Assistant takes dedication and hard work. But the rewards are great. Not only do you get to work from home, but you also get to help others grow their businesses and reach their goals. In this blog post, we’ll share 7 tips for becoming a successful Virtual Assistant. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to reaching your career goals as a Virtual Assistant.

1) Define your services.

If you want to become a successful virtual assistant, one of the most important steps you can take is to define your services. You need to know what services you will offer and how you will deliver them. This will help you attract the right clients who are looking for the services you offer and also create a clear picture of what you can do for them. 

Start by writing down the services you want to provide and be as specific as possible. This could include administrative tasks like data entry and document preparation, social media management, website design, customer service, or any other specialized service you offer. After you have identified your services, create a list of pricing options that correspond with each service. 

It’s also important to think about any certifications or special skills you may possess that set you apart from other virtual assistants. If you have certifications or unique qualifications, make sure to list them prominently on your profile so potential clients can see why they should hire you. Doing this will help you stand out from the competition and make it easier for clients to find the perfect virtual assistant for their needs.

2) Decide your pricing.

Pricing is an important part of being a virtual assistant. You want to make sure you’re pricing your services competitively, but also charging enough to make a profit.

The best way to decide on a pricing structure is to research what other virtual assistants in your area are charging and base your prices off of theirs. You should also take into account the amount of experience and expertise you have when setting your rates. 

When it comes to setting your prices, don’t be afraid to negotiate with potential clients. Most clients are more likely to work with you if you’re willing to negotiate on price. Just make sure that you’re still making a profit after any discounts you offer.

You should also keep in mind that some tasks might be more complex and require more time than others. Consider having different packages for different types of services so that you can charge accordingly. 

Finally, make sure that you always put your client’s needs first. If they require additional services outside of what was agreed upon, be prepared to charge extra fees or provide discounts depending on the situation. When in doubt, always discuss pricing with your client before starting any work.

3) Invest in the right tools.

As a Virtual Assistant, it’s important to have the right tools for the job. Having the right tools can help you be more efficient and productive, and can make your life much easier. Depending on the type of work you do, there are certain tools that you should invest in.

For starters, a good laptop or computer is essential for any Virtual Assistant. You’ll need something that is reliable and fast enough to handle the tasks you will be doing. If you don’t already have one, investing in a good laptop or desktop computer is definitely worth the money.

In addition, it’s important to have access to the right software. There are numerous software options available, depending on what you will be doing. For example, if you are creating graphics or doing web design work, investing in Adobe Creative Suite is a must. If you will be managing client emails or project management, then consider investing in programs like MailChimp and Basecamp.

Finally, consider investing in communication tools such as Skype, Zoom or Slack. This will allow you to easily stay in touch with your clients and colleagues. 

By investing in the right tools, you can make your work as a Virtual Assistant much easier and more efficient. Be sure to research what tools are best for the type of work you do and make the necessary investments.

4) Stay organized.

Organization is key for any virtual assistant. You need to be able to keep track of your clients, deadlines, and tasks. Setting up a system that works for you will help ensure that all of your clients’ requests are completed on time and in the right order. 

Start by creating a master calendar with all of your deadlines and tasks. This should include both upcoming and recurring tasks so that you always have a clear view of what needs to be done. A project management tool can be very useful in helping you to keep track of what’s been done, what’s due, and who’s responsible for each task.

You should also take time to organize your documents and files. Create a file structure that makes sense to you, and store important documents securely in the cloud for easy access. Use labels or tags to categorize different types of files so that you can quickly find what you need. 

Finally, don’t forget to stay on top of emails. Create folders for different clients or projects, so that emails don’t get lost or forgotten. Unsubscribe from any newsletters or lists that no longer interest you, and make sure your inbox doesn’t get clogged up with unnecessary messages. 

By setting up systems for organization, you’ll be able to manage your workload more efficiently and ensure that all of your tasks are completed on time.

5) Prioritize your time.

Time management is essential when you’re working as a virtual assistant. It’s essential that you prioritize tasks, so you can meet deadlines and ensure client satisfaction. Start by outlining your daily tasks in order of importance. Prioritize tasks according to deadlines, importance, and size. You should also factor in any additional tasks that need to be completed that day.

Once you have a plan for the day, make sure you stick to it. If a task requires more time than initially expected, consider shifting other tasks around to accommodate. Don’t forget to factor in breaks for yourself. Taking short breaks throughout the day can help boost productivity and prevent burnout. 

Also, if possible, try to avoid multitasking. Switching from task to task can reduce efficiency and lead to mistakes. Instead, focus on one task at a time and give it your full attention before moving on to the next one. This will help you stay organized and complete tasks quickly.

Prioritizing your time is key to being an effective virtual assistant. Create a daily plan, take regular breaks, and stay focused on one task at a time. This will help you get everything done while keeping your clients happy and meeting deadlines.

6) Build a strong network.

Having a strong network is key to being a successful virtual assistant. Networking will help you find new opportunities and build relationships with potential clients. You can connect with other professionals in the field through social media, attending conferences, joining industry organizations, and attending local events. 

For example, joining Facebook groups such as “Virtual Assistants” or “Freelancers in Business” will allow you to interact with other like-minded professionals who understand your industry and the challenges you face. You can also use LinkedIn to find potential clients and to make connections with people in your industry. 

You should also consider creating a blog or website to showcase your services and experiences. This is a great way to introduce yourself and your skills to potential clients. Furthermore, attending conferences and networking events can help you build relationships with key influencers in the field, which may lead to referral opportunities.

Finally, don’t forget to stay in touch with current clients. Having an ongoing relationship with former clients can be beneficial to both parties and could result in future work for you.

By building a strong network of contacts, you can open yourself up to new opportunities and increase your chances of success as a virtual assistant. With the right tools, connections, and strategies, you can take your business to the next level.

7) Promote your services.

Once you have established your services, pricing and tools, it’s time to start marketing your virtual assistant services. The most important thing is to get the word out there and make sure people know that you exist and what you can offer.

There are a few key methods for promoting your services:

1) Networking - Get involved in your local business community and look for ways to spread the word about your virtual assistant services. Join local business groups, attend networking events and connect with potential customers.

2) Social media - Social media is an effective way to promote your services to a wide audience. Create social media accounts for your virtual assistant business and use them to post regularly about the services you offer, showcase your work and interact with potential customers.

3) SEO - SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the process of optimizing your website so that it appears higher in search engine rankings when people search for terms related to your services. Use SEO strategies to improve your visibility online and get more leads.

4) Content marketing - Content marketing is another way to promote your services. You can create content such as blog posts, videos, e-books and case studies that provide value to potential customers and demonstrate the expertise you bring to the table.

By using these methods, you can start to build an online presence and let people know about your virtual assistant services. Once you have established yourself as an expert in your field, you will be able to attract more customers and increase your income.


12 Tips For Managing The Holidays As A Mom

For moms, the holidays can be an especially hectic time of year. Between shopping for gifts, preparing meals, hosting guests, and managing the family’s calendar, it can be easy to become overwhelmed. To help make the holidays a little easier, here are 12 tips for managing the holidays as a mom.

1) Get organized.

One of the best tips for managing the holidays as a mom is to get organized. Start by making a list of all the tasks you need to do and prioritize them based on importance. This will help you stay focused and not become overwhelmed. Make sure to also set realistic deadlines for each task so you can make sure everything is done in time.

Another great way to stay organized is to make use of technology. There are plenty of apps and websites available that can help you keep track of your to-do list, such as Todoist or Evernote. You can also use calendar apps, like Google Calendar, to help you stay on top of important dates and activities during the holidays.

Finally, it’s important to delegate tasks where possible. Ask for help from family and friends if you need it—you don’t have to do it all alone! And don’t forget to have a system in place for keeping track of any gifts you buy so you don’t double up or forget something important.

2) Set realistic expectations.

The holidays can be a busy and stressful time, especially for moms. It’s important to set realistic expectations for yourself and your family to avoid unnecessary stress. Start by writing down a list of all the tasks you need to do in preparation for the holidays, such as shopping, decorating, and entertaining. Prioritize each task and then delegate some of the work to others if possible. This will help you stay on track and make sure everything gets done without becoming overwhelming.

It’s also important to have realistic expectations when it comes to spending. Set a budget and stick to it. This will help you stay on track and keep holiday costs under control. Additionally, try not to overcommit yourself or your family when it comes to holiday events or activities. Remember that less is sometimes more and there’s nothing wrong with saying no to an invitation. 

Finally, make sure to get plenty of rest so that you can be in the best frame of mind for tackling all of your holiday tasks. It’s important to take care of yourself during the holidays so that you can enjoy the season with your family and friends.

3) Ask for help.

When it comes to managing the holidays as a mom, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Ask your partner, family members, and friends to lend a hand when needed. Even if it’s just an hour of help a week, it can make a huge difference in getting things done. Ask your spouse or partner to help with grocery shopping, gift wrapping, meal preparation, and other tasks. Don’t forget to also include your kids in helping with chores and errands. Not only will this lighten your load, but it will also give them a sense of ownership in the holiday season. If your family and friends aren’t able to help, don’t be afraid to outsource some of the work. Hire a virtual assistant or look into local services that provide holiday-specific help such as catering or cleaning. Remember that even the small tasks can add up, so don’t be afraid to delegate where you can.

4) Create a budget.

Creating a budget is one of the best ways to manage the holidays as a mom. By setting a realistic budget for the season, you can avoid overspending and keep your finances in check. Start by making a list of all the items you need to buy for the holidays, such as gifts, decorations, and food. Then, decide how much you can comfortably afford to spend on each item and set a total budget. Make sure to include extra money in case of any unexpected expenses.

Once you have your budget in place, make sure to stick to it! Try not to impulse buy or go over your limit. If you find yourself tempted to overspend, remind yourself of your total budget and take a few moments to reconsider. By creating and sticking to a budget, you can ensure that you stay within your means while still enjoying the holiday season.

5) Stick to your routine.

When it comes to managing the holidays, one of the best pieces of advice is to stick to your routine as much as possible. While it may be tempting to take a break from your normal schedule to accommodate the extra activities and shopping that come with the season, it’s important to maintain some semblance of regularity in your life. 

Maintaining your routine can provide a sense of normalcy and stability when things get hectic and chaotic. Make sure you keep up with your regular exercise and sleep schedules, if possible. If your work hours vary during the holidays, try to set consistent times for meals, errands, and other activities. This can help you stay focused and productive while still making time for the joys of the season.

Additionally, establish some rules with your family about the holidays to make sure everyone is on the same page and respect each other's expectations. Talk to your kids about any changes that may affect their routine and let them know what behaviors are expected during this special time. By having a plan in place and adhering to it, your family can enjoy a stress-free holiday season.

6) Don't overcommit.

We all want to make the holidays special, but sometimes it can be hard to manage all the tasks that come with the holidays. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, it's important to know your limits and not overcommit. Don't say yes to every invitation or offer that comes your way. Instead, take a step back and evaluate what is most important to you and your family. Prioritize activities that you and your family will truly enjoy. This will help keep your stress levels low and allow you to savor the moments with your loved ones. 

Also, be realistic about how much time and energy you have to put towards holiday festivities. Don't try to do too much in one day, and if you can, delegate tasks to family members or friends. This will help lighten your load and allow you to focus on what matters most during this special season. 

The holidays should be a joyous occasion, so don't overcommit yourself and set yourself up for failure. Take a step back, take a breath, and enjoy this season with those who matter most.

7) Take time for yourself.

As a mom, it's easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of the holidays. While you want to make sure everyone is having a great time, don't forget to take some time for yourself. Whether it's taking a hot bath or going for a walk, make sure you do something just for you. It will help you to relax and recharge so that you can enjoy the holiday season with your family. Taking time for yourself will also help prevent you from feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. Don't feel guilty about taking a few moments each day just for yourself. Doing so will help ensure you are able to be present and enjoy all the special moments with your family.

8) Avoid comparing yourself to others.

The holidays can be a tricky time for moms, especially if you’re feeling the pressure to live up to societal expectations. It can be all too easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others and feeling like you’re not doing enough or you’re not good enough. 

The truth is that everyone’s experience is different and your holiday season doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s. Don’t compare yourself to other mothers, because they likely have their own challenges and struggles. Instead, focus on what works best for you and your family.

Focus on gratitude and the things you are thankful for. Appreciate the small moments, even if they don’t seem important or glamorous. Celebrate the successes and forgive yourself for any setbacks. Remember that it’s OK to do what works for your family and make sure that you are taking care of yourself too.

9) Be present.

It can be so easy to get caught up in all of the activities and expectations during the holidays, but it’s important to take a step back and just be present. This can be easier said than done, but it is an essential part of managing the holidays as a mom. Taking a few moments each day to slow down and just take in the moment can be an invaluable way to reduce stress. Making a conscious effort to focus on what’s happening around you, rather than getting lost in the whirlwind of holiday planning and to-do lists, can help you remain calm and enjoy the season more. Even if it’s just for a few minutes each day, make sure you take time to be present and savor the moments that come with the holidays.

10) Cherish the little moments.

When it comes to managing the holidays as a mom, it is important to remember to cherish the little moments. The holiday season can be stressful and hectic, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take a moment to appreciate the people and things we love. Spend some quality time with your children, or just take a few minutes out of your day to relax and reflect. You could also take a trip down memory lane, looking at old pictures or videos of your family from years past. Doing something special for yourself is also important; try getting a massage, taking a yoga class, or just having a quiet evening in with a cup of tea. Whatever you choose to do, remember to savor the little moments that make the holiday season special.

11) Focus on what's important.

The holiday season can be a hectic and stressful time, especially for moms. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season and lose sight of what's important. To make sure you're making the most of this special time of year, it's important to focus on what matters most. 

Start by deciding what your priorities are for the holidays. What activities and traditions do you want to focus on? Are there any goals or projects you want to accomplish? Consider who is important to you and what kind of memories you want to create.

Once you know what your priorities are, make sure to keep them in mind as you go through the holiday season. Say no to activities or requests that don't align with your goals, and don't get overwhelmed by unrealistic expectations. Your mental and physical health are also important, so make sure to take care of yourself. 

At the end of the day, focus on what's important and enjoy this special time of year with those you love.

12) Enjoy the holiday season!

The holidays can be a stressful time for any mom, but don’t forget to take a step back and enjoy the holiday season. Taking some time to appreciate the special moments with your family can help you make the most of the season.

Set aside some time for traditions like baking cookies, making ornaments, or even enjoying hot cocoa together. This is a great way to bond and have fun during the holidays. You could also try doing something special that’s just for you, such as taking a walk around your neighborhood or reading a book by the fireplace.

Finally, try not to worry too much about gift giving or decorations. You don’t have to break the bank in order to have a good holiday. Focus on simple pleasures and moments that bring you joy. Don’t forget to treat yourself too! The holidays are a great time to indulge in a few sweet treats or take some time out of your busy schedule to do something that you love. 

The holidays are all about celebrating and having fun with your family and friends. Enjoy the holiday season by creating special memories and cherishing the moments that matter most.


8 Ideas For How You Can Give Your Toddler's Bedroom A Facelift

 One of the most exciting projects parents can undertake is giving their toddler's bedroom a makeover. Today, there are plenty of products and design options to choose from that will take your child's room from mundane to magical.

Here Are Some Great Ideas For How You Can Give Your Toddler's Bedroom A Facelift:

1. Choose age-appropriate furnishings:

Make sure any furniture you choose is sized appropriately for your little one and meets safety standards. Toddler beds from the Cuckoolands kids bed collection, chairs, and desks should all be sturdy enough to withstand frequent use while still providing comfort. Additionally, if you decide on bunk beds or loft beds, make sure they follow safety guidelines and always have guardrails in place.

2. Incorporate playful touches:

Whether it’s a whimsical wall mural or colorful storage bins, adding touches of playfulness to the space will make it feel inviting and fun. You can also add accessories like stuffed animals or toy baskets to create an atmosphere that encourages imaginative play.

3. Invest in quality bedding:

Not only is having comfortable bedding important for sleep, but you should also consider buying bedding made from breathable materials such as cotton or linen that won’t irritate your toddler’s skin. Additionally, if you live in cooler climates investing in a good quality wool or flannel comforter set can help keep them warm at night.

Photo by cottonbro studio

4. Opt for bright colors and patterns:

Incorporating cheerful shades and patterns into your toddler’s bedroom will help make the space look vibrant and inviting. If you prefer to use more subtle hues, try pairing them with brighter accents such as pillows or wall art to keep things cheerful.

5. Incorporate child-friendly storage:

Having ample storage options is important for keeping the bedroom organized and clutter-free. Look for toy boxes, shelves, and bins that are both functional and age-appropriate for your little one. Additionally, including some open shelving can provide easy access to frequently used items like books or toys.

6. Upgrade the lighting:

Ditch the boring overhead light and opt for something more fun and eye-catching! String lights along the walls or hang pendant lamps from the ceiling to create a cozy atmosphere that your child will love.

7. Include educational items:

Incorporating educational elements in the design of your toddler's bedroom is a great way to promote learning even when they're not in school. Hang a world map, or create a wall of books to inspire reading. You could also hang fun poster art with alphabet letters or animals and plants.

8. Use rugs and area carpets:

Rugs are an inexpensive way to add color, texture, and comfort to the space. Look for washable options that can handle spills and messes while still looking stylish in the room. Additionally, you can use area carpets in different zones to designate play areas and create visual interest.


Redoing your toddler’s bedroom doesn’t have to be intimidating. With careful planning and thoughtful design choices, you can turn it into a fun and inviting space that your little one will love for years to come. So go ahead and start crafting the perfect bedroom for your precious kiddo! 
