A Heart That Listens

“Then the Lord answered me and said, ‘Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, that the one who reads it may run. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay”(Habakkuk 2:2-3).

As I continue my journey with Gari Meacham’s “Spirit Hunger,” I begin to fall in more love with Christ’s plan for my life. As a control freak, I continually struggle with the vision I have for my life versus the vision the Lord has for my life. When things do not go according to my plan, I panic. However, as the years go by and my living situation gets farther from the life I originally envisioned, I have begun to give this up to Christ. However, in part 3 of Meacham’s book, “A Heart That Moves,” I realize the vision God has and the vision I have can work together. If I write down my vision and present it to God and pray with vision, hope, courage, and faith, I can look toward the future with Christ on my side.

“God sees purpose in our writing our vision on paper. Vision is another word for hope, and if we can muster up hope when we feel like we’re floating down a ditch, we’re on our way to a fresh encounter with God”(Meacham 136).

How can we do this? Spill our hearts to the Heavenly Father. Make sure he knows everything that is weighing down our hearts and minds regarding a certain person or situation. Ask Jesus Christ to lead us to our part in this situation. Lastly, we must give God the glory when we see him work through this vision, even in the most microscopic of ways.

As I began to read the words spoken in chapter 9, “Invited to Listen,” I began to think and pray about my vision for this blog. I am constantly in blog mode--seeking out people, companies, thoughts, and ideas to share with the world. While I have prayed over it’s success, I have failed to pray over it’s content. Going through these three steps of writing out a vision, I felt contradicted by a proposal I was given earlier this morning by a production company. They wanted me to come to a web series premiere this week that could strongly increase the success of my blog. The people attached to this production are people who could bring me a lot of success. However, the content attached to their production is not one that I want my name and moral attached to. I began to pray about content versus success and was drawn towards this vision.

Heavenly Father,
I pray that the content of this blog may honor you in all of my days. As it continues to grow and I become tempted with money over ethics, I ask for your guidance. I pray that the content I share with others will help them, encourage them, and support them. I started this blog because I wanted my voice to be heard, but I need my voice to be heard through you.

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