I can't believe this blog turns one today. What a journey it has been. I started this blog to voice my confusion of graduating college. I had no clue it would turn into something people actually read. I have loved the transition from sharing my fears of graduating college to sharing my daily passions.

Writing on here has helped me get through a lot. The kind words and support of all of you has made it worth it. However, I especially want to thank my friend Elisa for encouraging me to start this blog last year. She thought I had a voice that needed to be heard and encouraged me to start a blog. I never dreamed it would become a job.

My vision for this year is to continue loving what I do. To stand by the products I promote, to be honest with my readers, and to grow this blog. I want to attend more beauty and blogger conventions and meet more of you. And come May I will be launching a new blog...but don't worry this one isn't going anywhere!

It wouldn't be a celebration at Kick Back With Cate without a giveaway!
A $50 Starbucks gift card could be yours!
Just comment below with what you are most proud of in the past year!
Giveaway ends November 30th at 3pm PST.


  1. I am most proud of getting my career

  2. I am most proud of finishing dental hygiene school. It was a very emotional, and stressful time for me. I am very lucky to have the friends and family I do! They got me through! Congrats to Cate, proud of you, happy 1year!!

  3. I'm most proud of me selling my house by owner! we only lived there for less than 2 years! Made 10k in profit :)

  4. I'm proud of buying my first house! Happy anniversary!!! :)

  5. I am most proud of transitioning my mom into assisted living

  6. I am proud to be a 24 year old first generation college student that works full times and fulfills the demands of a chronic disease called Cystic Fibrosis

  7. I am most proud of finally doing something for myself by getting back into hockey. I'm always running the kids to their sports and my husband works out at the gym everyday.. I was definitely missing having my own thing. It's been a lot of fun and I've been really lucky to play with a group of great guys. After not playing for 12+ years, I think I am still pretty good :)

    Thanks for contacting me via Twitter ;)

  8. This year I am most proud of continuing to do what you love, coaching football.

  9. I am most proud of graduating college! Thanks for contacting me on Twitter to enter!

  10. I am most proud of having my first child! She was born on October 17th after 3 years of trying! Love your blog!
